G4-73 and Y4-73-type centrifugal (Reply) fan for power plants and other occasions-boilers, with the wind system. No other special requirements, G4-73 can also be used for mine ventilation and general ventilation.
Fan transmission medium for the air, the maximum temperature not exceeding 80 ℃. Fan medium for the transmission and Rezhengqi gas, the maximum temperature not exceeding 250 ℃.
G4-73 centrifugal fan performance selection table
Type No | Speed r/min | Flow m3/h | Total Pressure pa | Power kw |
8D | 1450 | 30993-16156 | 1400-2104 | 18.5 |
9D | 1450 | 44128-23003 | 2042-2668 | 30-37 |
9D | 960 | 29216-15229 | 775-1163 | 11 |
10D | 1450 | 60533-31554 | 2194-3301 | 55 |
10D | 960 | 40077-20891 | 958-1437 | 15-18.5 |
10D | 730 | 30475-15886 | 553-829 | 7.5 |
11D | 1450 | 80570-41999 | 2659-4003 | 90 |
11D | 960 | 53343-27806 | 1160-1741 | 22-30 |
11D | 730 | 40562-21144 | 669-1004 | 11 |
12D | 1450 | 104600-54526 | 3137-4777 | 132-160 |
12D | 960 | 69253-36100 | 1381-2075 | 37-45 |
12D | 730 | 52661-27451 | 797-1196 | 15-18.5 |
14D | 730 | 166100-86586 | 4333-6541 | 280-315 |
14D | 960 | 109970-57326 | 1883-2831 | 75-90 |
14D | 730 | 83624-43591 | 1086-1630 | 37-45 |
16D | 960 | 164150-85571 | 2465-3709 | 185 |
Y4-73 centrifugal fan performance selection table
Type No | Speed r/min | Flow m3/h | Total pressure pa | Power kw |
8D | 1450 | 16156-30993 | 1303-868 | 11-15 |
9D | 1450 | 23003-44128 | 1651-1100 | 22-30 |
9D | 960 | 15229-29219 | 721-481 | 7.5 |
10D | 1450 | 31554-60553 | 2041-1359 | 37-45 |
10D | 960 | 20819-40077 | 891-594 | 11 |
10D | 730 | 15886-30475 | 515-343 | 5.5 |
11D | 1450 | 41999-80570 | 2474-1646 | 55-75 |
11D | 960 | 27806-53343 | 1079-719 | 18.5 |
11D | 730 | 21144-40562 | 623-415 | 7.5-11 |
12D | 1450 | 54526-104600 | 2949-1961 | 90-110 |
12D | 960 | 36100-69253 | 1285-856 | 30 |
12D | 730 | 27451-52661 | 742-495 | 11-15 |
14D | 730 | 86586-166100 | 4029-2676 | 185-220 |
14D | 960 | 57326-109970 | 1752-1167 | 55-75 |
14D | 730 | 43591-83624 | 1010-674 | 22-30 |
16D | 960 | 85571-164150 | 2293-1526 | 132 |
16D | 730 | 65069-124820 | 1321-880 | 45-55 |
16D | 580 | 51699-99178 | 833-555 | 45 |
18D | 960 | 121830-233730 | 2908-1934 | 200 |
18D | 730 | 92648-177730 | 1674-1115 | 90-110 |
18D | 580 | 73610-141210 | 1055-703 | 45-55 |
20D | 960 | 167130-320610 | 3598-2392 | 380 |
20D | 730 | 127080-243800 | 2070-1378 | 132-160 |
20D | 580 | 100970-193700 | 1303-868 | 75-90 |